Saturday, March 28, 2009

How Emo Are You?

No, it's not!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

In need of material!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Return of the Hair

Email from Rufus.
"Isn't this the infamous 'Haunted Hair' girl?"

Why, yes it is!
Thanks Rufus for giving us another look at this girl's crazy hair.
I'm still dying to see someone out in public with hair like this.

If any of you go to school with people who wear their hair this way...I have two words for you.
Camera phone!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sickness and Lacking

Two reasons for my absence.
1. Sickness...been sick, it sucked. I'm over it!
2. Lacking in the comment department. I post for two reasons.
I love making fun of people, and I like to hear feedback.
Lately I feel like I'm making comments to myself.
If you want the site to go on, comment!

And for now...have a lollie!
You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sharing Makeup

You'd probably share makeup with your friends.
But how about your boyfriend?

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Scene Queen or Prom Queen?

If you're attempting a look, at least study it!!

You look like you're going to prom.

The pink strip in your hair looks more like Avril than Audrey.

You look like you stole your sisters tiara and maybe even her barbie hair coloring kit.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol