Sunday, February 22, 2009


So I found this site all about "Emos". Reading it at first I was like, this is actually pretty good. It talks about how the "emo" culture was born in the mid-80's. Talks about the history and everything. Then I noticed a link that said "How To Be Emo". I'm thinking "this should be good!".
So I click and start reading:
Emo is first and foremost a music genre so you need to be involved in the music scene to avoid being called a poser."
No one likes posers! Well, except for us.
So far so good right? Then I read this:
"Learn to play an instrument! Or at least buy one! If you can't play you can always claim to, and you will gain instant credibility by merely owning it. Just take lots of picture of yourself holding it at creative angles to post on the internet."
First they say don't be a poser, then they say act like you play an instrument. Pretending = Posing in my books darlin'.
Let's continue reading shall we?
"Can't afford a guitar? Write lyrics! Emo poetry can cover a wide range of emotions but focus on the bad ones. Sunshine and lollypops isn't very emo, so be sure to only write when angry or sad. Use poetry as a way of venting your problems. Don't have any problems? Make them up! Complain about how your comfortable suburban life is making you feel disconnected from the real world and disillusioned with life. Keep a bleak outlook on life and soon you will be writing tonnes of emo poetry! The type of bands you listen to strongly reflect on you as an emo."
Don't be a poser...but make up stuff to make you seem deep and misunderstood.
"Hair Colour
Natural hair colour isn't very emo. In order to be a real emo you will need to dye your hair. Jet black and bleach blonde are very good bases, you can then add in strikes of different neon colour to really showcase your originality. Emo is all about standing out so don't be afraid to try more than one colour...but don't go too mad! Or else you'll be more Nu Rave than emo!"
So don't pose but don't be yourself either. I'm all for dying your hair, but I wouldn't do it to fit into a stereotype. I think dying your hair is a form of expression.
I skipped some parts about hairstyle and clothing.
Attitude is everything. Typically you will be expected to be depressed and insecure. But it's more important to be sensitive and quiet. Avoid confrontation; you have to be introverted and too wrapped up in your own emotions to care about the opinions of others. But you can defend your opinions viva the internet provided you get very emotional about doing so."
Being "emo" seems like hard work. No wonder they always have bags under their eyes.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

*content taken from

And The Winners Are...

Three and Five.
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