Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hairclips Are EVERYTHING

We love hairclips, but not as much as this girl.

I think her pterodactyl bandanna is cutting off her circulation.
Oh and the rainbow thing, very scene...or emo...or whatever you're trying to be.
Nailed the look baby!

Thanks to my new friend Rufus for sending in this picture.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

That Look Is So Hot!

Hey, little emo girl, try that look while walking down the street, or a crowded hallway.
By the way I love your bandages, I mean wrist bands.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

All It Takes To Be Scene

Is the perfect hairstyle. If you didn't know that then you should see this girl:

She's totally scene now right?

Send me pictures!

You know you hate me.

Poseur Patrol

Diagram of a Fake, What is a Poseur, and How to Spot a Wanna Bee

So I've decided to start out my lovely blog by showing whoever reads this just what I'll be blogging about.
First I'll start by diagramming a fake. In my opinion saying someone is fake means one of two things. 1. They have a fake personality or 2. Their look is more product than natural.
I will be blogging about the second fake.
Here is a way to spot a fake:
I have used the lovely picture of someone I have named Ms Oompa Loompa.
I thought it would be funny to try to see what Ms. Loompa would look like with pale skin and no makeup. So here you go.

Gorgeous, Eh?

Now we move onto the poseurs. I know the term poseur gets tossed around a lot, but my definition of the word pretty much means a girl who always has to do some sort of crazy pose whenever she gets her picture taken. Peace signs, kisses, sticking the tongue out.

And I'm going to turn the cards back to Miss Oompa Loompa to show us a great example of this.


Now for the wanna be's. Have you ever seen a picture of someone who looked like they were trying really hard to fit into a certain stereotype? These would be the wanna be's.
Here's a good example of a wanna be.
If she really portrayed the "scene" stereotype with her attempt at Audrey Kitching's growl face, she wouldn't feel the need to make a sign on her fingers.

So this concludes my first blog.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol