Sunday, January 11, 2009

Email Love!

I got some wonderful emails from Kim and her friend.

This was from Kim:
why exactly did you want me to mail you?

Um, do I need to screen shot the message for you and highlight my question?
I asked what look you were going for.

This was from her friend:
i want to complain on how you posted thos picutres on that stupid site. it was wrong immoral and childish. who is to say who are wrong for how they act dress or anything. the biggest bull crap on this hole ordeal is how you acted by posting those pictures. i know kimm personally and you are one sick sedictive bastard -___-.. just cuz you hate how ppl dress dont mean you have the right to post it in such a way. leave people alone...

oh an by the way the sun tans people so duh dumbass just cuz your emo dont mean you dont or cant be fucking tanned -__- im both fucker

I decided not to correct any of your grammar just to show how intellectual you are.
When people put their pictures on the internet, they are opening them up to whatever comments and opinions people dish out. Just because it's my opinion, doesn't mean it's everyone's. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as you're entitled to yours.
If my site is stupid, why are you reading it. And more importantly, why does it matter what I think? And how did I act by posting those pictures?
I put that I'm a huge poseur myself. My blog is for comedic purposes only.
No one takes it seriously.

Kim, I'm sorry if you got mad and took me seriously.
But if you want to be taken seriously, you wouldn't dress like that.

You know Kim hates me.

Poseur Patrol

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