Friday, January 9, 2009

Wanna Be What?

This girl's picture was sent to me today and I just had to post her picture along with the message I received with it.
"This is Josie Grace, She claims to be scene and is in a Trashy Scene group."

Trashy? Yes. Scene? NO!
Most "scene" girls I've seen actually have some sort of style. Their outfits look put together with precision. Not just thrown together with whatever clothing they have lying around.
Josie Grace looks like she took a granny sweater and tied it to make it appear sexy over her little pink shirt. But on closer inspection the sweater looks like a shawl, which makes it even less "scene" if that's possible.
And another thing is her hair. Every "scene" girl I've seen pictures of look like they spend at least an hour on their hair. Josie Grace looks like she brushed hers and threw a skater hat on Yeah that's real scene. So Josie Grace, I have one piece of advice for you: Before you put yourself in a certain category, do a little research.

Thanks to my new friend Bethany for sending me this picture.
Keep them coming:

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

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