Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And Miss Scene Tropic Goes To....

I love when people label their pictures to emphasize the style they're going for, when in all actuality, their pictures don't portray that style at all.
What? Is she entering a beauty pageant?
That is not "Scene".
I wouldn't even think she was trying to look "scene" if the picture wasn't labeled "Scene Girl".
Maybe her hair is cut in the right style, but that's about it.I can't stand when people give themselves labels when they have no idea what the labels mean.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Monday, January 19, 2009

Emo Much

This girl is trying way too hard.
She even thinks she needs a sign.Here's your sign.
You know you hate me.

Emo Prep Alert!

This picture was sent to me by Bethany, it was posted as "Emo Hairstyles"."Emos" wear Hollister?

Maybe he should marry this girl:They can have little American Eagle babies!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Calico Hair

So, I was looking at pictures of "Emo" hairstyles and found this:
Easy to tell where her inspiration came from.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm So Emo

So I think I'll show my boobs!
God "emo"doesn't mean "slut".
Her image was even named "hot003".

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Friday, January 16, 2009

Scene King and Queen


You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pyro Emo!!!


This emo burns his wrists!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Suppose you want a poseur...

I found a photobucket containing pictures of a girl who can't seem to take a picture without making a funny face or throwing up a hand sign.
Say "Ah"

Gotta love this pose:

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Scene Beans?

1. scene bean
a petite girl that wears VERY skinny jeans and lots of colorful eyeshadow,
that sometimes wears a cow backpack.

If any of you have pictures of said people, PLEASE email them to me!!!

Behold the Mask

Kim does have a mask!
It's smexy!

By the way...Kim has approved this post so don't hate...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Monday!

Sorry about my lack of posts yesterday.
Let's start this week off on a positive note, take your dog...or your scene kid...for a walk.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Email me:

A True Scene Boy

My last blog was about not being able to always clarify if a guy is "scene" or "emo".
Well this guy is definitely scene.Go you!

You know you hate me,
Poseur Patrol

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Peace Out Scene Boy

I guess I'm confused when it comes to guys. I can't tell if they're emo or scene.
This one has scene in the caption.
I just don't think he looks scene, he looks more emo.
And is that a bruise under his nail or did he forget to remove the polish on one finger?

To me scene kids like attention. They seem to exaggerate their appearance, bright colors, colored hair, lots of makeup. And emos are more drab, they want the appearance that they didn't try with their look, they just threw something on.

Let me know your opinions.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Sorry Kim

I was wrong.
Rainbow clips are in!
You just need a mask with them!

Or to look 12...

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Email Love!

I got some wonderful emails from Kim and her friend.

This was from Kim:
why exactly did you want me to mail you?

Um, do I need to screen shot the message for you and highlight my question?
I asked what look you were going for.

This was from her friend:
i want to complain on how you posted thos picutres on that stupid site. it was wrong immoral and childish. who is to say who are wrong for how they act dress or anything. the biggest bull crap on this hole ordeal is how you acted by posting those pictures. i know kimm personally and you are one sick sedictive bastard -___-.. just cuz you hate how ppl dress dont mean you have the right to post it in such a way. leave people alone...

oh an by the way the sun tans people so duh dumbass just cuz your emo dont mean you dont or cant be fucking tanned -__- im both fucker

I decided not to correct any of your grammar just to show how intellectual you are.
When people put their pictures on the internet, they are opening them up to whatever comments and opinions people dish out. Just because it's my opinion, doesn't mean it's everyone's. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as you're entitled to yours.
If my site is stupid, why are you reading it. And more importantly, why does it matter what I think? And how did I act by posting those pictures?
I put that I'm a huge poseur myself. My blog is for comedic purposes only.
No one takes it seriously.

Kim, I'm sorry if you got mad and took me seriously.
But if you want to be taken seriously, you wouldn't dress like that.

You know Kim hates me.

Poseur Patrol

Saturday, January 10, 2009

About A Boy

To show you all I'm not some female hating dyke, I'm posting about a male.
His photobucket name is xJakexEmoxScenex.
Yes you are so emo.
Or just really tired.

His caption for this was: Yes, I'm a scene kid
Nice chain.

Next Alex Evans right here folks:
Or maybe not...

See that white line above his boxer briefs? TAN LINE! Since when are emos tan?

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol


I have to give these girls credit, they definitely fit the "scene" stereotype. But I can't help but laugh at their poses.
Want to laugh with me?

"Are we supposed to look at the camera in your hand, or the one in the mirror?"


"My ear itches." -- "Mine too!"

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the next star of the Trashy Life:
Ashlee Diomedi

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Friday, January 9, 2009

The return of Kim

I received a message from a girl named Sara who says she's friends with Rufus. She told me that she had some other pictures of the hairclip girl, whose name is Kim.
So thank Sara for these:
Kim, Kim, Kim...shoelaces? Really?
Now deary if you're really going to wear racing flag shoelaces, they should go in your shoes. They're much cuter where there supposed to be.

Have we discovered the looks she's going for? I doubt it.
This look is better than some of her others, I'll give her that.
I'd like to know if she actually wears these looks out or if she just likes to play dress up.

Kim, if you happen to read this, I'd like to give you a message: Please write me and let me know what look you're going for.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

If You Want To Be Scene...

...At least try!!!
These girls look more like they just got out of bed than anything.

Okay so their hair is a bit teased, sort of. But not enough to label their picture as "Scene Girls".
Give me a break!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

*Thanks to Bethany and Kenny for this one.

Another 100% Scene Queen

She's got the teased hair and the scene name, so I guess she's proven she's "scene".
So why does it look like she just came from church? Or perhaps cheer leading practice?
Maybe her name should be "Laura Lutheran".
And what is on her fingers? Did you finger paint today in Sunday School?

Thanks again to Bethany.

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Wanna Be What?

This girl's picture was sent to me today and I just had to post her picture along with the message I received with it.
"This is Josie Grace, She claims to be scene and is in a Trashy Scene group."

Trashy? Yes. Scene? NO!
Most "scene" girls I've seen actually have some sort of style. Their outfits look put together with precision. Not just thrown together with whatever clothing they have lying around.
Josie Grace looks like she took a granny sweater and tied it to make it appear sexy over her little pink shirt. But on closer inspection the sweater looks like a shawl, which makes it even less "scene" if that's possible.
And another thing is her hair. Every "scene" girl I've seen pictures of look like they spend at least an hour on their hair. Josie Grace looks like she brushed hers and threw a skater hat on Yeah that's real scene. So Josie Grace, I have one piece of advice for you: Before you put yourself in a certain category, do a little research.

Thanks to my new friend Bethany for sending me this picture.
Keep them coming:

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

Taking Out The Trash

Good Morning Friends!
Apparently last night I forgot to take out the trash.
So here it is:

I didn't know anyone thrived to be trashy, but obviously this girl does.
Her photobucket name is SleazyTrashy and the album I found these pictures in is called "Trash".
Well, congrats Sweetie, you have lived up to your name.
Be proud!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

The Key To Being Scene

Is all in your name:

Hooray for brackets!

Better trademark your original name so no one can steal it!!!
Oh Noes there's a killa scene queen lose in Disney! Betta warn Miley!

So the key to a great scene name is to use the same letter as your name and use some fierce word. Then everyone will think you're friends with Kiki Kannibal!

You know you hate me.
Poseur Patrol

*Thanks to the wanna be scene queens group on myspace for making this post oh so easy!